Article ID : S500029818 / Last Modified : 11/04/2018Print

Why can't music CD be created with SonicStage?

    Err Msg: Temporary folder is not specified or is not found.

    The error message occurs when the temporary folder, which saves files created at the time of music CD creation, is not found in the specified location due to the deletion of the user account and some other reasons.

    To resolve this symptom, create a new folder to save files with the steps below.
    1. Click Start and click My Computer.
    2. Right-click Local Disk C:, click Documents and Settings, click All Users, click Shared Documents and click Shared Music.
    3. Create a new folder (for example Temp).
    4. Start SonicStage.
    5. In the Tools menu, click Options.
    6. Click the CD-R tab.
    7. Select the Location to save the files option. Temporarily saving the file shows C:\Document and Settings\All Users\Shared Document\Shared Music\Temp\. Click OK.
    8. Click OK again.