How to log on automatically when started Windows Vista?
How to log on automatically when started Windows Vista?
Please refer to the following contents
If Windows Vista meets the following conditions, it will log on automatically.
•One user account exists.
•The password has not been set in the user account.
[Windows Vista] How to change and delete password.
[Windows Vista] How to create and set new user accounts.
Please carry out the following operations when logging on if the above conditions were not met.
1.Click START, and input control userpasswords2 in the column of Search, and then press Enter key.
2.After displaying the User Account Control message, click the Continue button.
For standard users, please refer to the following related solutions.
[Windows Vista] About User Account Control
Please carry on in the following order when the User Account Control message is not displayed.
4.When Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer is selected, choose the users from the list of Users for this computer to grant access to this computer.
5.Cancel the choice of Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer, click the OK button.
6.After displaying the Automatically Log On window, input the User Name, Password, Confirm password.
*Input Password, Confirm password when the account password is set.
The User name and Password cannot be checked here.
8.Click the OK button.
Please press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Delete] when you log on [Windows Vista].