Article ID : 00178950 / Last Modified : 11/04/2018Print

Information about Intel(R) Virtualization Technology (VT) function

    When the Windows 7 operating system becomes available (on or after October 22, 2009), the VGN-Z, VGN-TT, VGN-P, VGN-AW, VGN-FW, VGN-NS, VGN-NW, VGN-CS, VGN-SR, VGC-LN/LV, VGC-JS model series computers will gain the ability to use the Intel VT features by upgrading to the Windows 7 operating system.  Update BIOS that enables Virtualization Technology (VT) will be provided on Sony Support web site.
    The CPU used on the product needs to be compliant with VT. To ensure your computer is compliance with the requirement, visit Intel web site for more information. You can find which CPU supports Intel Virtualization Technology on Intel site.

    Note: Intel VT requires a computer with a processor, chipset, BIOS, enabling software and/or operating system, device drivers, and applications designed to take advantage of VT features. Because of this, the performance of the VT features will vary depending on the computer configuration.