Article ID : 00056775 / Last Modified : 11/04/2018Print

How to pair the wireless keyboard with your VAIO computer?

    Follow these steps to pair the wireless keyboard with your VAIO computer.
    1. Set the power and touch pad on/off switch for Keyboard to OFF.
    2. Turn on your VAIO computer and sign in to the computer as a user with administrative rights.
    3. Tap the Desktop tile on the Start screen to open the desktop.
    4. Tap (the File Explorer icon) on the taskbar area.
    5. Open the Pairing Tool folder in the C:\Windows\Drivers\EXE folder.
    6. Double-tap (tap twice quickly) PAIRING_TOOL.
    7. Tap Pairing.
    8. When the "Starting pairing (** seconds left)…….." message appears, set the power and touch pad on/off switch for Keyboard to ON while pressing and holding down the Ctrl+Esc keys.
      When the pairing is complete, the "Success to bind a KB!!!!!!" message appears.

    Note: If the pairing fails, follow the steps 1, 7, and 8 again.